TIBCO BusinessWorks 6.x Online Training Content
Our subject matter experts developed the curriculum for this TIBCO BW 6.x course to delve in-depth while meeting the industry benchmarks. Whether you're a novice or an experienced person interested in learning more, our step-by-step course modules are designed in such a that helps you get a better understanding of TIBCO Business Works.
Note: You can check TIBCO BW 5.x course curriculum here.
BusinessWorks 6 Methodology
TIBCO Business Studio
Developing BusinessWorks Solutions
Using a Workspace
Understanding Modules
Processes and Packages
Process Layout Details
Adding Activities and Transitions
Mapping and Transformation
Developing Services
Using an Application
Testing an Application
Lab A: Build a Web Service
REST Fundamentals
REST Architectural Elements
Defining a RESTful Service
The REST Wizard
Filling in the Details
REST Operation Details
Testing a RESTful Service
Lab B: Using RESTful Services
The BusinessWorks Debugger
Setting and Using Breakpoints
Viewing Job Data
BusinessWorks Debug Environment
Setting up Debugging Details
BusinessWorks and OSGi
BusinessWorks Application Startup
Accessing the OSGi Console
Key OSGi Commands
Viewing Bundle and Engine Details
Endpoint Details
Lab C: Debugging Applications
Most of the TIBCO BusinessWorks Jobs in the industry expect the following add-on skills. Hence, we offer these skills-set as FREE Courses (Basics) to ease your learning process and help you stay ahead of the competition.