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How to Import a CSV in Snowflake

In Snowflake, we can upload CSV(Comma-Separated Values) files from the local machines that are available on macOS, Windows, and Linux operating systems. In this blog, we will discuss the process of importing the CSV files.

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Import a CSV in Snowflake

Snowflake lets us upload the CSV file from our local machines that run on Linux, macOS, or Windows. In the following example, the file we import is known as “Organizations.” It will have three columns(O.id, O.location, and O.name), is located in the ‘test1’ folder of the local machine, and contains the below structure:

  • Twitter, Canada
  • Amazon, Washington
  • Flipkart, California



Create the Snowflake stage.

Create or replace stage organizations_stage1;


Create the file format through “FILE FORMAT” command for explaining the format of the file we import:

create or replace file format organizations_format type = ‘CSV’ field delimiter = ‘,’;


Upload our CSV file from the local folder to the Snowflake stage through “PUT” command: 


put file:///tmp1/data1/Oragnizations.csv @organizations_stage1;


put file://D: \test1\Organizations.CSV @organizations_stage1;


Check to view if Snowflake stage is inhabited with data from file.

from @_stage1 (file_format => organizations_format1) c;

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We have to create the table in the Snowflake database that contains a similar structure to the CSV file we have to import before running “COPY INTO” command.

Create or replace table organizations (
O.Id integer,
O.name varchar(100),
O.location varchar(100)


Load the data from the Snowflake stage into the Snowflake database table through the “COPY INTO” command

copy into test.organizations from @organizations_stage1;
copy into test.organizations from (select c.$1, c.$2, from @organizations_stage1 (file_format1 => organizations_format1) c);


Check to view if Snowflake database table is inhabited with data

select * from organizations;
O.id O.name O.locatio
101 Twitter Canada
102 Amazon Washington
103 Flipkart California


This blog includes all the steps required for importing the CSV(Comma Separated Values) files into the Snowflake. It also tells you how to get the output in the required format. I hope this is sufficient for working with the CSV files in Snowflake.

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Remy Sharp
SaiKumar Kalla

Kalla Saikumar is a technology expert and is currently working as a Marketing Analyst at MindMajix. Write articles on multiple platforms such as Tableau, PowerBi, Business Analysis, SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and other courses. And you can join him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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