Posted on 4th August 2023
Unexpected EOF while parsing implies that the end of the source code was touched even before complete code blocks are finished. The code block begins with a statement like for I in range(100) also needs at least a line later that includes code which should be present in it.
Posted on 4th August 2023
Unexpected End Of File(EOF) is a syntax error which means the end of the code is reached even before all the blocks of code are completed.
For example, let’s say you want to execute a for loop which starts with j in range(200): and needs a minimum one line after that to have code which must be within it.
Just look at the below example:
In [1]: for j in range(200):
File "<file name>", line 1
for j in range(200):
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
To get rid of this error we just have to enter the complete code block as a single input.
In [2]: for j in range(6):
...: print(j, end=', ')
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Posted on 4th August 2023
This error is a syntax error let me explain its cause by an example assume the code which is something like this
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
The reason behind the error is we have successfully created the dictionary but forgot to close it.
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