Oracle DBA Course Content
Our subject matter experts developed the curriculum for this Oracle DBA course to delve in-depth while meeting the industry benchmarks. Whether you're a novice or an experienced person interested in learning more, our step-by-step course modules will help you get a better understanding of administering the Oracle database.
Duration: 50 Hours
1. Introduction to Oracle Database Administrator
- Oracle Database 12c New and Enhanced Features
- Objectives
- Challenges
- Oracle Database in 11g Release
- High Performance Systems
2. Basics of Multi Container Database and Pluggable Databases
- New Multitenant Architecture: Benefits
- Other Benefits of Multitenant Architecture
- Multitenant Container Database
- Separating SYSTEM and User Data
- Naming the Containers
- Provisioning a Pluggable Database
- Basics of Multitenant Container Database and Pluggable Databases
- Interacting Within Multitenant Container Database
- Exploring CDB Architecture and Structures
3. Creating a Multi Container Database and Pluggable Databases
- Steps to Create a Multitenant Container Database
- Creating a Multitenant Container Database Using SQL*Plus
- Exploring CDB and PDB Structures
- Create New PDB from PDB$SEED
- Cloning PDB within the Same CDB
- Plugging a Non-CDB into a CDB
- Dropping a PDB (optional)
- Plug Unplugged PDB in to CDB
4. Managing Multi Container Databases and Pluggable Databases
- Starting Up a CDB Instance
- Mounting a CDB
- Opening a CDB
- Opening a PDB
- Closing a PDB
- Shutting Down a CDB Instance
- Creating after Startup Trigger to Open All PDBs
- Changing PDB Mode
- Changing PDB Mode with SQL Developer
- Instance Parameter Changes and its Impact on PDBs
5. Managing Tablespaces and Users in CDB and PDBs
- Creating Permanent Tablespaces in a CDB
- Assigning Default Tablespaces
- Creating Local Temporary Tablespaces
- Assigning Default Temporary Tablespaces
- Users, Roles, and Privileges
- Local Users, Roles, and Privileges
- Creating a Local User
- Common Users
- Creating a Common User
- Common and Local Schemas / Users
- Common and Local Privileges
- Granting and Revoking Privileges
- Creating Common and Local Roles
- Granting Common or Local Privileges / Roles to Roles
- Granting Common and Local Roles to Users
- Granting and Revoking Roles
- Creating Shared and Non-Shared Objects
6. Backup, Recovery, Flashback CDB and PDBs
- Whole CDB Backup
- User-Managed Hot CDB Backup
- Partial CDB Backup
- Whole PDB Backup
- Partial PDB Backup
- SQL PDB Hot Backup (optional)
- SQL Control File Backup (optional)
- Media Failure: CDB or PDB Temp File Recovery
- Media Failure: PDB Temp File Recovery
- Media Failure: Control File Loss
- Media Failure: Redo Log File Loss
- Media Failure: Root SYSTEM or UNDO Data File
- Media Failure: Root SYSAUX Data File
- Media Failure: PDB SYSTEM Data File
- Media Failure: PDB Non-SYSTEM Data File
- Media Failure: PITR
Flashback CDB
Special Situations
Creating a control file backup script
7. Heat Map, Automatic Data Optimization and Online Datafile Move
- Enabling Heat Map.
- Automatic Data Optimization – Creating a TIER Policy
- Automatic Data Optimization – Creating a COMPRESS Policy
- Cleanup ADO Policies and Heat Map Statistics
- Moving Data File Online
- In-Database Archiving and Temporal Validity
- Archiving Challenges
- Archiving Solutions
- In-Database Archiving: HCC
- Archiving Challenges and Solutions
- In-Database Archiving
- Session Visibility Control
- Disable Row-Archival
- PERIOD FOR Clause Concept
- Filtering on Valid-Time Columns
8. Auditing
- Types of Auditing
- Audit Trail Implementation
- Oracle Database 12c Auditing
- Enabling Unified Auditing
- Auditing Data Pump Export
- Auditing RMAN Backups
- Unified Audit Implementation
- Security Roles
- Security SYS Auditing 9-21
- Simplicity Audit Policy 9-22
- Creating the Audit Policy
- Creating the Audit Policy with Object-Specific Actions
9. Privileges
- New Administrative Privileges
- New Administrative Privilege SYSBACKUP
- New Administrative Privilege SYSDG
- New Administrative Privilege SYSKM
- OS Authentication and OS Groups
- Password Authentication for SYSBACKUP
- Password Authentication for SYSDG
- New System Privilege PURGE DBA_RECYCLEBIN 10-19
- Creating Policies Database and Role Analysis
- Creating Policies Context Analysis
- Analyzing and Reporting
- SYSTEM and OBJECT Used Privileges
- Used Privileges Results
- Compare Used and Unused Privileges
10. Oracle Data Pump, SQL*Loader, and External Tables
- Full Transportable Export/Import Overview
- Full Transportable Export/Import Usage
- Full Transportable Export/Import Example
- Plugging a Non-CDB into CDB Using Data Pump
- Plugging a Non-CDB into CDB Using Replication
- Transporting a Database over the Network Example
- Disabling Logging for Oracle Data Pump Import Overview
- Disabling Logging for Oracle Data Pump Import Usage
- Disabling Logging for Oracle Data Pump Import Command-Line Examples
- Exporting Views as Tables Overview
- Exporting Views as Tables Usage
- Exporting Views as Tables Command-Line Examples
- Specifying the Encryption Password
- Compressing Tables during Import
- SQL*Loader and External Table Enhancements
11. Recovery Manager New Features
- Backing Up and Restoring Very Large Files
- RMAN Duplication Enhancements
- Duplicating an Active Database
- What Is New?
- The NOOPEN Option
- Duplicating Pluggable Databases
- Recovering Databases with Third-Party Snapshots
- Transporting Data across Platforms
- Data Transport
- Transporting Database Process Steps
- Transporting Tablespace Process Steps
- Table Recovery
- Recovering Tables from Backups
- Specifying the Recovery Point-in-Time
- Process Steps of Table Recovery
Duration: 25 Hours
1. Exploring the Oracle Database Architecture
- Oracle Database Architecture Overview
- Oracle ASM Architecture Overview
- Process Architecture
- Memory structures
- Logical and physical storage structures
- ASM storage components
2. Installing your Oracle Software
- Tasks of an Oracle Database Administrator 19c
- Tools Used to Administer an Oracle Database 19c
- Installation: System Requirements
- Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
- Installing Oracle Database Software
3. Creating an Oracle Database
- Planning the Database
- Using the DBCA to Create a Database
- Password Management
- Creating a Database Design Template
- Using the DBCA to Delete a Database
4. Managing the Oracle Instance
- Start and stop the Oracle database and components
- Use Oracle Enterprise Manager
- Access a database with SQLPlus
- Modify database installation parameters
- Describe the stages of database startup
- Describe database shutdown options
- View the alert log
- Access dynamic performance views
5. Manage the ASM Instance
- Set up initialization parameter files for ASM instance
- Start up and shut down ASM instances
- Administer ASM disk groups
6. Managing Database Storage Structures
- Storage Structures
- How Table Data Is Stored
- Anatomy of a Database Block
- Space Management in Tablespaces
- Tablespaces in the Preconfigured Database
- Actions with Tablespaces
- Oracle Managed Files (OMF)
7. Administering User Security
- Database User Accounts
- Predefined Administrative Accounts
- Benefits of Roles
- Predefined Roles
- Implementing Profiles
8. Configuring the Oracle Network Environment
- Use Enterprise Manager to create and configure the Listener
- Enable Oracle Restart to monitor the listener
- Use tnsping to test Oracle Net connectivity
- Identify when to use shared servers and when to use dedicated servers
9. Managing Data Concurrency
- Data Concurrency
- Enqueue Mechanism
- Resolving Lock Conflicts
- Deadlocks
10. Managing Undo Data
- Data Manipulation
- Transactions and Undo Data
- Undo Data Versus Redo Data
- Configuring Undo Retention
11. Implementing Oracle Database Auditing
- Describe DBA responsibilities for security
- Enable standard database auditing
- Specify audit options
- Review audit information
- Maintain the audit trail
- Manage optimizer statistics
- Manage the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
- Use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
- Describe and use the advisory framework
- Set alert thresholds
- Use server-generated alerts
- Use automated tasks
12. Performance Management
- Performance Monitoring
- Managing Memory Components
- Enabling Automatic Memory Management (AMM)
- Automatic Shared Memory Advisor
- Using Memory Advisors
- Dynamic Performance Statistics
- Troubleshooting and Tuning Views
- Invalid and Unusable Objects
13. Performing Database Backups using RMAN
- Backup Solutions: Overview
- Oracle Secure Backup
- User-Managed Backup
- Terminology
- Recovery Manager (RMAN)
- Configuring Backup Settings
- Backing Up the Control File to a Trace File
- Monitoring the Flash Recovery Area
- Opening a Database
- Data Recovery Advisor
- Loss of a Control File
- Loss of a Redo Log File
- Data Recovery Advisor
- Data Failures
- Listing Data Failures
- Data Recovery Advisor Views
14. Working with Support
- Use the Enterprise Manager Support Workbench
- Work with Oracle Support
- Log service requests (SR)
- Manage patches
15. Using the RMAN Recovery Catalog
- Identify situations that require RMAN recovery catalog
- Create and configure a recovery catalog
- Synchronize the recovery catalog
- Create and Use RMAN stored scripts
- Back up the recovery catalog
- Create and use a virtual private catalog
16. Configuring Backup Specifications
- Configure backup settings
- Allocate channels to use in backing up
- Configure backup optimization
17. Using RMAN to Create Backups
- Create image file backups
- Create a whole database backup
- Enable fast incremental backup
- Create duplex backup and back up backup sets
- Create an archival backup for long-term retention
- Create a multisection, compressed and encrypted backup
- Report on and maintain backups
18. Performing User-Managed Backup and Recovery
- Recover from a lost TEMP file and redo log group
- Recover from the loss of password file
- Perform user-managed complete and incomplete database recovery
- Perform user-managed and server managed backups
- Identify the need for backup mode
- Back up and recover a control file
19. Using RMAN to Perform Recovery
- Perform complete recovery from a critical or noncritical data file loss using RMAN
- Perform the incomplete recovery using RMAN
- Recover using incrementally updated backups
- Switch to image copies for fast recovery
- Restore a database onto a new host
- Recover using a backup control file
- Using RMAN to Duplicate a Database
- Creating a duplicate database
- Using a duplicate database
20. Monitoring and Tuning RMAN
- Monitoring RMAN sessions and jobs
- Tuning RMAN
- Configure RMAN for Asynchronous I/O
- Database Architecture and ASM
- Describe Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
- Set up initialization parameter files for ASM and database instances
- Start up and shut down ASM instances
- Administer ASM disk groups
- Storage Fundamentals
- ASM Concepts
- Preparing ASM Storage
- ASM Instance setup
- ASM disk group failure groups (Redundancy)
- Managing Diskgroups
- Backing up Diskgroups
- Monitoring Diskgroups
- Creating a Database on ASM
- Managing Database on ASM
- Basic architecture
- Storage concepts
22. RMAN Topics
- Backup Strategies
- FLASH recovery area
- RMAN Architecture
- RMAN backup components
- RMAN catalog and configuration
- RMAN Commands
- Monitoring RMAN backups
- Tuning RMAN jobs
- Restoring and recovering using RMAN
- Database cloning using RMAN
- Troubleshooting RMAN issues
- Best practices
23. Container Database architecture
- Creating container databases using DBCA
- Creating pluggable databases
- Managing pluggable databases
- Start and stop of pluggable databases
- Export and import of PDBS
We offer Oracle 12c and Oracle 19c as two different courses with different prices. And, you can register for a customized curriculum covering both versions at a special discounted price. For further information about the course, please drop us an enquiry, and our Course Advisor will assist you in making your learning hassle-free.
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